
Bus from Marrakech to Agadir: Firstly, Agadir is one of the famous Moroccan cities that attract many tourists each year. It’s really worth a visit. secondly, Agadir is one of the best places to relax and enjoy seafood and delicious Moroccan food.

In addition, Agadir’s people are friendly and they get used to different countries all over the world. Also in Agadir, you can find People speak many other languages such as French, English, Spanish, and German.

Buy bus tickets from Marrakech to Agadir

How to get To Agadir

The most common way to reach Agadir is via bus. From Marrakech or from other popularize starting like Casablanca or Essaouira. There are Supratours bus company and CTM company that connect Agadir to Marrakech and Casablanca.

The journey from Marrakech to Agadir is approximately 3h30min. And from Casablanca to Agadir takes 6h30min.


Buy bus tickets from Marrakech to Agadir

To clarify, now it’s possible to buy tickets to travel to Agadir via CTM website or ONCF website only if you have a Moroccan bank account.

Therefore, MYticket can take care of you and book in advance all of your tickets to visit Agadir and guarantee the first seats for you. Book your trip with us and we promise you won’t regret it.

That is to say, just fill in MYticket booking form and receive your bus or train tickets via email.

Contact us and MYticket team will be pleased to answer all of your questions and provide you with all the information about traveling to Agadir for free.

marrakech to agadir bus


Marrakech to Agadir Supratours bus schedule and prices

Supratours have many buses that leave Marrakech every day to Agadir. And the bus takes 3h30min to arrive in Agadir. Certainly, the cost of the bus seat is 110 MAD and 130 MAD for the “comfort plus” bus.

00h4504h15110 MAD
05h3009h00110 MAD
08h0011h15110 MAD
10h0013h30110 MAD
11h4515h15110 MAD
12h4516h15110 MAD
14h0017h30110 MAD
14h4518h15110 MAD
15h1518h45110 MAD
16h00 (Confort Plus)19h30130 MAD
16h4520h15110 MAD
18h4522h15110 MAD
20h4500h15110 MAD
22h4502h15110 MAD

supratours buses from marrakech to agadir

Marrakech to Agadir CTM bus schedule and prices

CTM has over 18 buses leave Marrakech every day to Agadir. The bus takes 3h30min to arrive in Agadir. In addition, the cost of the  CTM bus seat is between 110 MAD and 140 MAD, it depends on the type of bus as the pictures shows. (Timetable of 31/07/2019 ) Also, CTM changes the timetables, add, and delete. For the update please check CTM website.

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