Is it possible to Purchase Morocco train & bus tickets online?

Purchase of train and bus tickets

If you are planning to travel around Morocco. You don’t know how to purchase a bus and train tickets. In addition, you can’t buy it with a foreign card because Currently, the only way to purchase bus and train tickets in Morocco is in person at the train or bus station. Also the maximum advance purchase is 3 months in advance. You came to the right place. Here’s the solution.


My Ticket Services helps you travel Better in Morocco. My ticket is a website where you can purchase online your train or bus tickets for travel in Morocco, and receive them once you arrive at your accommodation (Hotel, Riad, or guesthouse)in Morocco or via Email.

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The Best Morocco bus companies ( Supratours /CTM)

purchase of CTM Morocco bus in advance

It’s easy to travel in Morocco by bus. Marrakech is one of its central hubs. The two main bus companies to consider are CTM and Supratours. we believe CTM has slightly better service and schedule, and their prices are slightly cheaper. Supratours, on the other hand, is connected with the train service in Morocco. Still, Supratours does offer a really good service.


We aren’t SUPRATOURS, CTM or ONCF. MYticket is an independent company that provides a service to Purchase rail and bus tickets on behalf of our customers. We have no affiliation with ONCF, Supratours, or CTM.

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