Morocco train and bus tickets

Book Morocco train and bus tickets

Morocco train and bus tickets, advance purchase of Morocco rail, bus and TGV .

How far is Rabat from Marrakech?

Morocco train takes 03h34min from Marrakech to Rabat.

  • first class tickets (Marrakech-Rabat): 197 MAD
  • second class tickets (Marrakech-Rabat): 138 MAD


How do I get from Marrakech to Casablanca?

The easy and best way to travel from Marrakech to Casa Voyageurs is via ONCF the Moroccan national rail way. MYticket can buy tickets in advance on behalf of our customer and garrantee  first class confortable with best prices.


Is there a train from Tangier to Fez?

There is Morocco ONCF trains from Tangier to Fes every hour  ,starting from 06h00 . But there are two option :

  • Tangier to Kenitra by the high speed train (AL BORAQ) then you take the train from Kenitra to Fes. The trip takes 03h20min, and the ticket price is 295 MAD.
  • Direct train from Tangier to Fes, 164 MAD for the ticket and 04h20 min to arrive in Fes.

For more details about (Tangier – Fes ) trip contact us  via


How long does the train take from Marrakech to Casablanca?

Casablanca is the biggest city in Morocco. if you wanna get there Morocco buses and Morocco train are the most common ways with low prices. There are train departure from Marrakech train station to Casablanca(Casa voyageurs) every hour. The first train at 05h50 and the last one is 21h00 train, CLICK HERE for Morocco train (ONCF) Prices and schedules . The journey trip  by train Marrakech-Casablanca takes around 3h30min

Is there a train from Casablanca to Marrakech?

Casablanca and Marrakech are one of the biggest cities in Morocco.That’s there are trains active between these two cities each hour starting from 05h55min


How far is Marrakech from Fez?

Marrakech and Fez are the famous big touristic cities in Morocco. Most of tourist prefer to get the travel from Marrakech to fes or from fes to Marrakech. There is trains every hour. First class seats is 290 MAD and second class tickets is 195 Moroccan dirhams.

Click here to book train tickets Marrakech Fez

How far is Casablanca from Fez?

Fes is one of famous and historical Moroccan cities. From Fez to Casablanca is 3h47min by the train(ONCF).There is a train almost every hour, first class seats cost 198 MAD.

How do I get from Casa Voyageurs to Casablanca airport?

Casa Voyageurs is the train station in the center of the city , and Aeroport MED V is the international Aeroport in Casablanca. If you get the train from Casa Voyageurs to Aeroport Med V which is the common way ,it will take you 30 min to arrive at the Aeroport. First class train tickets is 70 Dirhams and second class is 50 Dirhams.

Can you buy Morocco train tickets online?

Actually it is possible to purchase Morocco train tickets but only if you have a Moroccan bank account. If you don’t ,the only way is in person at the closest train station to you.

we always recommend buying Morocco bus and train tickets in advance because the tickets sold out quickly. MYticket provide a friendly service to Purchase Morocco bus and rail tickets up to 90 days in advance and send them to you via email or deliver them to your accommodation if you arriving first to Marrakech. Just fill in MYticket booking form and guarantee the first seats with the best prices, via email: or via whatsApp:  +212608401475.

Is it possible to purchase Morocco train and bus tickets?

Yes, with MYticket everything is possible.

First class Morocco train tickets or second class?

For tourist we always recommend Moroccan first class train tickets because they aren’t that expensive also there isn’t a big difference concerning the prices(50-90 dirhams)

Contact us to book your first class Morocco train tickets (ONCF)

Morocco train and bus tickets

how can I get to Merzouga desert?

Merzouga desert is the Famous and best desert in Morocco. From Marrakech to Merzouga there is a bus leaves Marrakech everyday at  08h00 and arrive to Merzouga at 20h30. For the return from Merzouga to Marrakech there is one and only bus at 19h00 and arrive to Meknes at 03h14 .Then you’ll need to take the train to casablanca. After an other train arrive to Marrakech at 11h14. The journey trip Marrakech-Merzouga is 12h30min.

Click here to get your Supratours bus tickets Marrakech _ Merzouga

How do I get to Chefchaouen?

The blue pearl , the blue city Chefchaouen is on of the beuatiful cities in the north of Morocco. Most of the tourists travel from Fes to chefchaouen or from Tangier to chefchaouen. The best and comfortable way is via CTM Morocco bus.

Click here for timetable and prices

Click here to book your trip to Chefchaouen

which one is better?Merzouga desert or Zagora desert?

  • Merzouga is the famous and far desert (12 hours trip) via Morocco SUPRATOURS bus.
  • Zagora is 8 hours from Marrakech (140 MAD per ticket).

Morocco train and bus tickets

Is there a train from Fes to Chefchaouen?

There is no Train from Fes to Chefchaouen. Currently the only way is buy using Morocco CTM bus service.

More details about the schedule and prices FES_CHEFCHAOUEN

How do you get to the blue city in Morocco?

For more info Please check our post.


How to get to Marrakech from Fez?

The most efficient way is using Morocco train ONCF. Prices and reasonable and you’ll have the option between 1st class( flex or semi-flex) and sencond class ( flex or semi-flex). For Example from Marrakech to Fes first class seat is 290 MAD and 95 MAD less for the second class.

MYticket can purchase your ticket for travel from Marrakech to Fes 3 months in advance.

click here to book your ticket

Can you get a train from Marrakech to Agadir?

Unfortunately there is no Train from Marrakech to Agadir. The only way to get to Agadir is by using the Supratours bus service. the Morocco Supratours bus service takes over from the train (ONCF).The Morocco Supratours bus is actually a subsidiary to ONCF and it goes to the cities not served by Morocco train. Or you can take CTM bus which goes to the most moroccan cities like Agadir, Marrakech, Essaouira, Casablanca, Fes and Tangier.

Check Marrakech to Agadir Morocco Supratours Bus timetable and prices.

Is there a train from Marrakech to Essaouira?

Unfortunately there is no Train from Marrakech to Essaouira. The only way to get to Essaouira is by using the Supratours bus service. the Morocco Supratours bus service takes over from the train (ONCF).The Morocco Supratours bus is actually a subsidiary to ONCF and it goes to the cities not served by Morocco train. Or you can take CTM bus which goes to the most moroccan cities like Agadir, Marrakech, Essaouira, Casablanca, Fes and Tangier.

How long is the train from Tangier to Marrakech?

  • The over night train depart from Marrakech at 21h00 and arrive to Tangier at 06h20(next day) so it takes around 09h20min
  • Marrakech to Casablanca then you take the high-speed train from Casablanca to Tangier (AL BORAQ) .The trip takes around 05h20min

Buy Morocco train tickets MARRAKECH – TANGIER

How long is the Moroccan TGV from Tangier to Casablanca?

How far is Marrakech airport from City?

The distance from Marrakech Aeroport to the city center Gueliz  is 5 km, and you’ll need 12 min by car to get there.

How do I get from Marrakech airport to the city?

From Marrakech Menara Aeroport to the medina isn’t that far, it’s about 12 minutes. Either you take taxi but you still have to negotiate the prices. Or you can take the city bus “Alsa” which is not expensive ( 3 euros ).

or if you want MYticket can arrange a transfer to your accomodation in Marrakech.

contact us via

Email: /whatsapp: +212608401475

How many days do you need in Morocco?

What is a grand taxi in Morocco?

Morocco train and bus tickets

What is the best city in Morocco?

In Morocco there too many beautiful city ,that’s why it’s hard to decide the absolute best city. But here is the most famous Moroccan touristic cities:


What currency is used in Morocco?

Moroccan Dirhams or MAD is the national currency of Morocco

EUR € = 10.76 MAD

USD $ = 09.58 MAD

GBP £ = 11.98 MAD

For more currencies check :


What is the best time to travel to Morocco?

To be honest there is no bad time to Travel to Morocco. But in general the best time to come to Morocco is during Spring(March,April and May) or in autumn (September,October and November).

How do you travel between cities in Morocco?

If you are traveling north of Marrakech to Fez, Casablanca, Rabat, Sale, Tangier , Meknes, Kenitra. The best and cheap way to travel around Morocco is by the train (ONCF) (office national des chemins de fer) it’s the national Railway

With MYticket get your ticket to any destination in Morocco.


What is there to do in Chefchaouen?

What is the capital of Morocco?

Rabat is the capital of Morocco.

Casablanca is the Economy capital

Please fill in the MYticket Morocco train and bus Booking form with your travel details to reserve your bus (Supratours or CTM ) or train ticket tickets (ONCF) for travel in Morocco. to guarantee first seats with the best prices.

For schedules and prices contact us on or via WhatsApp : +212688489462

CTM bus

Supratours bus

ONCF Train

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