CTM Morocco bus from Fes to Chefchaouen

How can I get from Fes to Chefchaouen? Is there a train? or only a bus? Is there a CTM bus from Fes to Chefchaouen?

This post will answer all these questions.

Chefchaouen is one of the beautiful cities in Morocco, most tourists prefer to come from Fez which not that far just to discover the blue pearl Chefchaouen.

Sadly there is no train from Fes to Chefchaouen, but the CTM bus is a great option.

For this trip, you’ll need to use the CTM transport company services, because there’s no Moroccan rail (ONCF) or Supratours transport between these two cities). As a result, CTM bus tickets sold out quickly.

Fes to Chefchaouen schedule and Prices

Almost there are seven Departures per day , leaving from Fes at 08h00,09h30 11h00, 12h00, 14h00, 16h15 and 23h45.


08h00min11h40min80 DirhamsConfort
09h30min14h15min80 DirhamsConfort
11h00min15h15min80 DirhamsConfort
12h00min16h05min80 DirhamsConfort
14h00min18h00min80 DirhamsConfort
16h15min20h45min80 DirhamsConfort
(next day)
80 DirhamsConfort


Chefchaouen to Fes schedule and Prices

On the other hand buses return from Chefchaouen to Fes at 10h45, 13h15, 14h45, 16h00, 18h10 and 19h30. In addition the trip takes around 4 1/2 hours.


10h45min15h30min80 DirhamsConfort
13h15min17h30min80 DirhamsConfort
14h45min19h30min80 DirhamsConfort
18h10min22h30min80 Dirhams


Above all, The CTM bus not only clean and easy. Also affordable, the cost of Morocco CTM bus tickets for this trip isn’t expensive, only 75 dirhams or 80 maximum( 8euros)

The timetable Fes – Chefchaouen of CTM bus changes from time depends on the season. So please check our CTM page for the most recent plans and prices. Or just contact us and MYticket team will be happy to provide you with any information you need about Morocco bus and train tickets for free.

Buying Morocco CTM bus ticket for travel from Fes to Chefchaouen

If you want to buy CTM tickets online you will necessarily need a Moroccan bank card. If you don’t, no worries, no stress.

MYticket provides the service on behalf of you, purchase your Fes – Chefchaouen e-tickets online, up to 90 days in advance of travel, and send it to you through e-mail. Moreover, MYticket helps you to buy Morocco train tickets in advance and plan your trip to Morocco with a simple click.

Click here to book your tickets.

Best things to see in the blue city Chefhchaouen

In conclusion here are some of the best things must visit in Chefchaouen city

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